afv acquisition

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Energy Policy Act (EPAct)
AFV acquisition credits, which are granted on the basis of the number of AFVs acquired and the quantity of biodiesel fuel used. Agencies earn one AFV acquisition credit toward EPAct compliance for each AFV acquisition ... Reauthorization Act of 1998 (ECRA) amended EPAct to allow fleets to generate one AFV acquisition credit for every 450 gallons of pure biodiesel (B100, equivalent to 2,250 ...

Bio Legislation
Senate, and was signed into law by President Clinton. This law provides EPAct alternative fuel acquisition credits to fleet owners and covered fleet persons for the use of biodiesel fuel in ... 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum diesel. The House bill allows fleet owners to receive one AFV credit under EPAct for every 450 gallons of biodiesel used by medium- or heavy-duty ...