affected countries

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RONCO: RONCO in the News
Crandall explained. This experience has enabled RONCO to refine the methods of training vapor-sniffing ...

International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) - Disasters - Tsunami operation
Programmes in the tsunami affected countries are now proceeding into the fourth year, but till today, the voices of those directly ...

Environment News Service News Index January 2005
Cold Oil European Wasp a Danger to Australia's Biodiversity AmeriScan: January 10, 2005 Tsunami Affected Countries Offered Debt Relief Chlorine Gas From South Carolina Train Crash Kills Nine Homeland Plan Coordinates ...

ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts
Close to 6 million fled to neighboring countries, and anywhere from 11–15 million people were displaced inside their own countries.1 The money derived from often ... affected countries, these conflicts have brought a torrent of arms trafficking, human rights violations, humanitarian disasters, and environmental destruction. Ample endowments of coveted resources have helped push these countries ...

ENB: UNCCD COP-3, Recife, Brazil
CCD implementation into mainstream national development strategies of affected countries; and emphasizes the importance of carrying out further work on benchmarks and indicators ... St. Lucia, Brazil and Jamaica before the Closing Plenary reconvenes NGOs demand OECD countries to fund for NAPs Brazilian police outside the Conference Center Linkages desertification page ...

Bird Flu News and Headlines by
New Bird Flu Strain Detected In, NC - 6 hours agoFAO supports affected countries and countries at risk to detect bird flu outbreaks at a very early stage. FAO has also ...

"Woefully Inadequate" U.N. Actions to Ban Landmines
U.N. data shows that some long-established and ... in his or her lifetime. But in many of the worst affected countries, average incomes are only $10 to $15 a month. U.N. ... are about 200 different types of landmines manufactured in some 36 countries ranging from crude wooden boxes loaded with dynamite to sophisticated ...

National Geographic: Eye in the Sky--Overpopulation
National Geographic: Eye in the Sky--Overpopulation  HUMAN  IMPACT Floods and  Dams Ozone and  Pollution Deforestation  and  Desertification Overpopulation Although people no longer talk about a catastrophic “population bomb,” world population continues to grow. Unfortunately, the most affected countries are also the ones least able to support more people.

April 28, 2004: World Food Prices Rising: Environmental Neglect Shrinking Harvests in Key Countries
All countries are affected by the rising world price of basic food commodities. The American Farm Bureau marketbasket survey ... , such as spreading deserts, falling water tables, and rising temperatures, are shrinking harvests in many countries. Consider, for example, Kazakhstan, the former Soviet Republic that was the site of the Virgin ...

Countries where Leaded Petrol is Possibly Still Sold for Road Use, As at 22nd February 2007
(N. Korea) Africa Algeria Morocco Tunisia Western Sahara Middle East Afghanistan Iraq Jordan Palestine Yemen Countries where Leaded Petrol is Possibly Still Sold for Road Use, As at 22nd February 2007 ... Sahara 60,422 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of 257,684,890 TOTAL POPULATION DIRECTLY AFFECTED *The population figure for Palestine is a sum of the population of the Gaza Strip ...

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