advocates say

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Education WorldŽ : Professional Development Center : Archives : The Arts
Arts advocates say the arts are critical to a complete education. O, Say, Does Your Class Know the National Anthem? For years, students ...

PISCES - Florida Everglades
Panthers May Leave Imprint On Tracts July 5, 2006 Federal Laws Won't Protect Manatees, Advocates Say June 13, 2006 Florida Panther To Move States In Survival Scheme February 23, 2006 Despite ... Biologists Share Theory On How Hurricanes May Affect Florida's Ecology October 28, 2004 Scientists Say Bush Ignores Global Warming's Threat To Florida October 25, 2004 Hurricanes Flood Lake Okeechobee ...

Bicycle Fixation: Coming Round Again
Coming Round Again by Eric Miller They say history repeats itself and that eventually things come around again, but ... attractions in the park to a garage just outside the parks borders. Advocates say the plan would help preserve one of urban America's great ... fraction of the $3 million cost for a new car. Volunteers say that MUNI could learn a lot from the old cars too. "They ...

Bottled Water Boycott Highlights Waste, Resource Depletion | COA News
Advocates say that while bottled water is generally safe, the public wastes money and plastic at the ...

Compassion Over Killing > Prosecutors Halt Complaint, Dismiss Perdue Animal Cruelty Charge
Perdue Farms Inc. this week, in a move that animal advocates say clipped the judicial process short and kept the poultry giant from having to face charges ... Showell plant in early November as part of its plans to streamline operations, says they say they saw no intentional cruelty in the videotape, and that the workers afterward were shown ...

[ Computer Take Back Campaign ]
No. 2: Some recyclers may not be recycling everything. Actually, some experts say most recyclers aren't recycling everything. "Eighty percent of all the scrap electronics in the ... rid of everything. The growing recycling problem is a bit more complicated. Roman and other advocates say we should do with computers and television monitors and fax machines what we do with ...

Caribbean and Central American resorts. The rapid growth of those shows, animal advocates say, has been spurred by their success in American aquatic theme parks and by the fact ... swim- alongs are promoted as having educational or even therapeutic benefits for humans, animal welfare advocates say they are little more than prisons for the dolphins, which have been displayed in such ...

Less is more for Nepali rice
Nepal needs to produce more than 90 000 tonnes of rice seeds. The SRI advocates say the method would save 80 000 tonnes and harvests nationwide could be doubled. Uprety sums ...

Say No To GMOs! - March 2007c
Some farmers are pointing fingers at biotech-seed producers, whose carelessness, they say, has allowed experimental DNA to drift into commercial varieties, transforming U.S. rice into ... in much of the world, has mostly grown under the radar in the United States. Advocates say the biotech revolution has improved productivity while reducing the consumption of pesticides and tractor ...

Misleading arguments commonly used by biotech advocates
Misleading arguments commonly used by biotech advocates In order to promote genetic engineering, biotechnology corporations have used PR firms that are experts ... delivered by star journalists in different media, all saying essentially the same thing. - Propaganda experts say that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes perceived as the truth. Whom ...

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