additional representative species

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NMPIF Grassland 1
Additional Representative Species: Aplomado Falcon, Eastern Meadowlark Bird Habitat Requirements, Population and/or Habitat Objectives: (in taxonomic order) Aplomado Falcon (Montoya and Zwank 1995) Associated Species ... . Additional species for which monitoring is recommended: Scaled Quail Common Nighthawk Cassin's Sparrow Table 2. Chihuahuan Desert Grassland Priority Species: Habitat Factors Species ...

NMPIF Grassland 2
Additional Representative Species: Vesper Sparrow, Western Meadowlark Bird Habitat Requirements, Population and/or Habitat Objectives: (in taxonomic order) Ferruginous Hawk (Stravers and Garber 1998) Associated Species ... More from this site

Executive Committee Conference Call Minutes on Aquatic Nuisance Species - May 2004.
The WRP has never had active participation from the NOAA representative, Bob Emmett, because he is not actively supported in that role ... $4,740 to award. The EC discussed whether to distribute the additional funds among the three projects, to partially funds the fourth ... recreational dive at Edwards Underwater Park in Puget Sound. This species has had a very negative impact on aquaculture on the ...

Executive Committee Conference Call Minutes on Aquatic Nuisance Species - May 2003.
Tournament Anglers. EC members are very supportive of the project but felt there needed to additional information on budget, time-line and deliverables. Tina will send Lynn the budget spreadsheet that ... in Noxious Weed Status of Caluerpa EPA representative, Joan Cabreza, had asked whether the WRP would support a petition to APHIS to classify the entire species of Caluerpa taxifolia (not just the ... More from this site

Endangered Species and Ecosystems - Legislation
Canada, the Canadian Wildlife Service is responsible for managing CITES species in Canada. Species at Risk Act (SARA) SARA is pending federal legislation that aims to protect species ...

Species Accounts: cporo.htm
New Ireland and Manus. A ranching and management program has included regular surveys of representative habitats since 1977. Nesting indices indicate that the population is approximately stable, although ... Lake, Babeldaob. Additional small groups and single sightings were made at Ngeremeduu Bay, Kadebel river, Irur and Iwekei rivers (Babeldaob) and in the Rock Islands. The species is nearing ...

Wildlife of Merrymeeting Bay
Maine. A summary of life history data for each of these is provided. 2. Representative Species Three bird species of significance to bird watchers and hunters in the Merrymeeting Bay will be discussed ... process, it may become increasingly necessary for the state and localities to provide for any additional acreage in spring rye and corn for the migrating birds, if the Bay is to ...

Thylacoleo - Thylacoleonid Genera & Species: Tertiary Genera
Alcoota Local Fauna of the Northern Territory. It was slightly larger in size than W. oldfieldi and W. vanderleueri (see below). The sole representative fossil of this species ( ... of the Northern Territory (Bullock Creek local fauna). Since then, quite a number of additional specimens have been found. Among these is the magnificently preserved, nearly complete cranium with ...

Recovery of Species under the Endangered Species Act - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
NMFS has made a concerted effort in recent years to include representative stakeholders (those with an interest in the species) on recovery teams, and to involve the public in recovery ... July 2006), and 8.0 Recovery Planning References. NMFS also follows additional policies, guidances, and regulations associated with recovery of species. All recovery plans are made available in draft form and ...

About Cal/Ecotox
It will continue to expand as data for additional terrestrial, and eventually aquatic, species are added and as data for the current species are updated ... species to serve as an indicator or surrogate species in ecological risk assessments. These species were judged to be potentially useful as representative species for modeling or extrapolating effects for other species ...

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