adapted for speed

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Results 1 - 10 from 119 for adapted for speed in 0.317 sec.

Predator Conservation Trust: Cheetah information
It is adapted for speed in the following ways: Small head that offers little resistance at high speed Long legs for large strides at high speed Flexible spine to allow for long strides Laterally ... short distance, it will abandon the chase to conserve energy ready for its next attempt. HABITATS As the cheetah is adapted for speed and is the fastest animal on earth many people assume ...

KAMPS built AIRMAX surface aerators for water purification installations
The brush aerator is a low speed horizontal shaft aerator hold by two bearings: it is particularly well adapted for some little water treatment installations. KAMPS advices you for the aeration tank or ditch ...

The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - In the News
These continually measure the shark's position, depth, speed and direction, and store the data in digital archives. After six months, the tiny computer ... , Jeanne DeQuine/Bahamas and Jeannie McCabe/Honolulu Photo by BETTMANN/CORBIS Map by Joe Lertola; Adapted for the Web by Jim Johnson Copyright © 2001 Time Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in ...

The Canadian Peregrine Foundation -- USA & International home page
Their long, pointed wings are shaped for speed, but they must use altitude and a dive to gain velocity. ... falcons are crow-sized birds of prey that are admired for their beauty, speed and agility. The term peregrine means wanderer or migrator. Native ... when it slammed into the building. Maverick and his lady have adapted to city life. A gravel nest was placed there by the ...

Rideau Canal Waterway - Boating Rules and Regulations
Portable toilets are not permitted in Ontario unless adapted for proper shore line disposal. Many marinas ... be noted, that from a wash generating perspective, the absolute speed is not the issue. The issue is at what speed does your boat generate a destructive wash? In restricted channels, near ...

De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Trust, North West Province, South Africa
Top speed is between 90 and 112 kilometres per hour, but this can be maintained only for short distances. When does ... climb trees to defecate or urinate. • The cheetahs tongue is well adapted for licking as it is covered with an arrangement of papillae. These ...

Science and the Environment Bulletin: The New Formula for Cold
Thermometers showed that participants’ core temperatures remained consistent despite changes in the external temperature and wind speed. However ... Another interesting difference demonstrated at the trials is that certain people who are well-adapted to cold exhibit a physiological response known as cold-induced vaso dilation—a ...

EJF: What are tuna?
But tuna fish are impressive beasts, designed for speed, efficient predation, and capable of travelling vast distances though the ... the type of locomotion they use is therefore particularly adapted to the search for prey in a large volume of water. Upon ... and their bodies are designed for high performance at both sustained swimming and bursts of high speed. But, they must swim constantly ...

3.1 In Situ Biological Treatment for Soil, Sediment, and Sludge
Generally, this means providing some combination of oxygen, nutrients, and moisture, and controlling the temperature and pH. Sometimes, microorganisms adapted for degradation of ... . Heating the bioremediation site, such as by use of warm air injection, may speed up the remediation process. At Eielson AFB, Alaska, passive solar warming by incubation ...

3.9 In Situ Biological Treatment for Ground Water, Surface Water, and Leachate
Generally, this means providing some combination of oxygen, nutrients, and moisture, and controlling the temperature and pH. Sometimes, microorganisms adapted for degradation of ... resume activity when the temperature rises. Provisions for heating the bioremediation site, such as use of warm air injection, may speed up the remediation process. Too high a ... More from this site

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