Results 1 - 10 from 29 for actively discourage in 0.418 sec.
Project Wildlife: Living with Bobcats
Actively discourage bobcats by making loud noises and throwing rocks to make them leave. 8. Battery operated ...
Project Wildlife: Living with Coyotes
Use a small amount of ammonia or cayenne pepper in the garbage to discourage scavenging. 5. Restrict use of birdseed. Coyotes are attracted to it and to the birds ... rocks buried outside the fence line to prevent animals from digging into your yard. 9. Actively discourage coyotes by making loud noises and throwing rocks to make them leave. 10. Pick that ...
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Project Primate, Inc.
PNHN has become a big problem. The CCC is actively working with government authorities, locally and nationally, to stop illegal logging around the Park. The ... a release site is that the presence of researchers, eco-guards and chimpanzee trackers would discourage hunters and tree cutters, better ensuring the future protection of the area. Also, since the ...
Hurricane Preparedness Tips
If a wound develops redness, swelling, or drainage, seek immediate medical attention. Do not ... the hurricane would be of concern. Local, state, and federal public health authorities will be actively working to control the spread of any mosquito-borne diseases. To protect yourself from ...
Costa Rica Rainforest Outward Bound School :: PARENTS
Some possible homestay activities ... create any appearance of favoritism, preference, or romantic attraction. Instructors also appropriately discourage the development of exclusive relationships between participants. Perimeters are outlined in ...
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Involvement of employees on township establishment role was also complete. Each work area personnel actively participated in preparing documentation related to their area and in establishing the system confirming ... difference. Students visit the township, put up posters, enact street plays and sing songs and discourage people from cutting down trees. ‘Save the Trees’ campaign is a part of Holi ...
Brownfields Title VI Case Studies: Summary Report | Environmental Justice in Waste Programs (OSWER) | US EPA
Fear of Title VI Complaints Does Not Appear to Discourage Developers at Brownfields Sites To begin to understand whether fear of Title VI complaints was ... in relocating onto brownfields in their neighborhood. According to SDEV representative Kathy Milberg, SDEV is "actively engaged in marketing clean companies so that we don't have to be victims again ...
Deputy Director of Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth, Nigeria. 3. Existing decrees that discourage protest and muzzle the press. Many of the people we spoke to in the Niger ... -Wiwa was hanged by General Abacha in 1995, along with eight other Ogoni activists, after actively championing the cause of the Ogoni people, and making Shell's anti-environmental practices an ...
Habitat Media - interview transcript
It would affect the distribution of the industry. It would be much more ... . One of the interesting things that is happening with salmon farming now is they're actively trying to breed salmon that will be not predators but that will be able to ...
Belding's California and Rock Ground Squirrels management and control
Experiments with a temporary low electric fence have been shown to seasonally discourage California squirrels from invading research or small garden plots from outside areas. Cultural Methods ... , bait only when all the squirrels are out of hibernation or estivation and are actively feeding on seed. Commercial baits are prepared on grain or pelletized cereals. To assure ...
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