acid generating

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MDAG Case Study 15
Acid Potential (AP). In opposition to acid-generating sulphur and AP, neutralization potentials (NP) reflect the presence of one or more acid-neutralizing minerals ... pH") and the amount of acid generated ("NAG Value"), the sample is declared to be net-acid-generating or non-net-acid-generating. If net acid generating, the NAG value provides an estimate ...

The remaining 77.4 million tonnes was acid generating pyroclastic volcanic rocks. A total of 98% of the acid generating rock was placed in the 3 waste rock dumps at Equity. The other 2% of the acid generating rock ...

PRB for Metals and Acid Mine Drainage
Fe(II) and trace metals, such as As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn. ... increase understanding of system. Below is a cross-sectional profile of Sulfate, Fe and Acid Generating Potential one year after installation. Reproduced with permission Benner et al., 1997 Copyright National ...

Spokane Reservation Uranium
Exposed rock from the ore piles generate acid rock drainage. Radionuclides and heavy metals have contaminated groundwater, seeps and surface water, including ... in the open pits at the Midnite mine have significant sulfide content leading to acid generating conditions that release heavy metals and other pollutants into surface and ground water. The ...

MDAG Case Study 23
Furthermore, geochemical static tests can assume all minerals, like acid-generating sulphide minerals, will be 100% exposed, but this might only occur after long periods of ...

Mine Waste Geochemistry
Department of Earth Sciences University of Waterloo Mine Waste Geochemistry LINKS TO PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Acid Mine Drainage Permeable Reactive Barrier for Mine Drainage Arsenic Geochemistry Mine Drainage ... such are not susceptible to sulfide oxidation and the generation of acid mine drainage. Although not acid-generating by nature, water discharging from these sites may still contain high ...

Specialized Services - Mining Effluent Technologies at CANMET-MMSL
CANMET-MMSL has been involved in a project designed to prevent the production of acid drainage. Acid drainage from both closed and operating mines is the largest environmental liability facing ... been used to prevent the growth of the acid-generating bacteria. Two classes of inhibitors have been tested: one that prevents the growth of acid-tolerant bacteria once oxidation is in progress and ...

MDAG Case Study 12
October. A major reason for this rush was the metal-leaching and acid-generating nature of the high-sulphide tailings, which could significantly contaminate downstream areas if runoff water ...

The Green Lane: Acid rain - Resources - Publications
Two intermittent Manitoba Hydro Thermal Generating Stations and other miscellaneous sources accounted for the remaining 9 kilotonnes of SO2 emissions ... nitrogen oxides emissions from the power generating station. Hydro expects to remain under its 175 kilotonne limit from 1994 onwards. Ontario continues to monitor acid rain impacts through a ...

ECO - News Releases - July 23, 2002
My concern about the appalling contamination at this site goes ...

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