acceptable animal welfare outcomes

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Results 1 - 4 from 4 for acceptable animal welfare outcomes in 0.246 sec.

Animal Welfare - The Australian Animal Welfare Strategy
Progression and Implementation: The Strategy sets broad national goals on animal welfare and provides a framework for sustainable, scientifically based and acceptable animal welfare outcomes ...

Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation - Sub-Program 3 - Chicken Meatl
Develop nutritional strategies to improve ... products Identify objective measures of bird welfare, evaluate welfare issues and address identified problem ... of performance-based environmental criteria based on acceptable farming practices Identify and quantify the ... of lean meat production Expected key outcomes in 2007–08 Research into the ...

Predation politics: wolves, conditioned taste aversion & wildlife management
When their findings affect the welfare of the public, they are also expected to make ... signals and outcomes that are external to the animal. This part of the brain does not learn much when signals and outcomes ... acceptable and so again be welcomed in the future. Since the food is still desirable, external cues associated with this food will continue to be sought by the animal ...

Animal Welfare - Livestock / Production Animals
The welfare of livestock and production animals is of interest to the Australian general public and public perception of animal welfare ... animal in a way that causes, or is likely to cause, unnecessary harm. The regulations include Codes of Practice that define what is generally regarded as acceptable welfare ...