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Energy Kids' Page - Offshore Oil and Natural Gas
Many of the plains are flat, while others have jagged mountain ridge, deep ...
Ocean Geography | Geography of the sea floor
Scientists believe that the ... Abyssal Plain – The vast majority of the real estate at the bottom of the sea is a relatively flat expanse of level floor. Called the abyssal plains, these average over two miles deep and may account for as much 79% of the sea floor worldwide. The top layer of sediment found on the surface of the abyssal plains ...
Geography of the Ocean and the Structure of Planet Water -
Hyperborean basin. The topography of the Arctic Ocean bottom varies consisting of fault-block ridges, abyssal plains, and ocean deeps and basins that have an average depth of 1,038 m due ...
Marine Zones -
This effect results in the flattest and smoothest regions of the world. Abyssal plains ... plants and animals falling from surface layers. The Pacific Ocean has the least number of abyssal plains, the direct result of sediments in submarine trenches surrounding the Pacific Ocean becoming trapped. ...
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Abyssal Plains - Abyssal plains develop far offshore in geologically stable areas of low sedimentation, well beyond the continental margins. These extensive, featureless regions of the deep ocean floor constitute Earth’s flattest surfaces. The abyssal ... the continental shelves descend abruptly along the continental slopes to the abyssal sea floor. Coral - An invertebrate animal with a calcium ...
WWF - Deep sea ecology: sea floor
Following on from the continental shelf, the continental slope continues gently down for thousands of kilometres towards the ocean floor - the vast, flat abyssal plain, reaching ... cold-water corals, which filter this detritus from the water. Detritus reaching the muddy abyssal plain is eaten by sea urchins, starfish, sea slugs, crabs, shrimp, worms, bottom-feeding ...