abandon the colony

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Endangered species: Audouin's Gull
At winter, the species spreads mainly on the southern and eastern coasts of the Mediterranean. It feeds near the coasts, mainly on small surface-fish that are caught on the surface using ... nesting sites also seems to have a negative impact on the species, as well as the alteration of the natural morphology of the islets, due to overgrazing. Since 1997, HOS has been ...

Thicker shelled gourds may show scratch marks all over the front of the gourd. Even if the martin escapes, the martin will often abandon the colony. There is a good article with photos about how to owl-proof a gourd rack in the Article Archives section of the ...

Owl Predation on Purple Martins
Thicker shelled gourds may show scratch marks all over the front of the gourd. Even if the martin escapes, the martin will often abandon the colony. For houses, the owl simply hops off the ... More from this site

The ST. LAWRENCE RIVER "Great Canadian Rivers"
Iroquois. They were not, however, won over by their forced French immersion: when Cartier returned the boys to their Stadaconan home, they were quick to flee their captor, and abandon ... Jacques Cartier's footsteps: furs were his ticket to the territory of New France, and furs were the foundation of the St. Lawrence River colony and trading post that would one day evolve into ...

Costa Rica -Conquest and Colony
After two harsh expeditions to the area, conquest and exploration were abandoned for nearly forty years. In 1506 Diego de Nicuesa encountered uncooperative tribes which caused him to abandon his mission. The ...

Utopian Dream
From the prospective of a financial advisor I am advising you to abandon these foolish utopian dreams and settle for a more predictable future. As the months rolled by I ... the colony for the purposes of individual growth and social evolution. Uncooperative members may be terminated at any time by a 3/4 vote of the active membership. Individual are free to resign form the colony ...

LIPU-UK -> Working in Britain for Birds in Italy - Ali Notizie June 2000
LIPU Rescue Centre. A thorough medical examination assesses the physical condition of the owl after ... life. The island of San Pietro, off the SW coast of Sardinia, remains famous for its large colony of Eleonora's Falcon, thanks largely to LIPU's antihunting camp on the island. The colony has assembled ...

At the other end of the island, hundreds of thousands more were unwilling to abandon their nests and remaining ... wrecked on the dangerous rocks, but the determination of egg and specimen collectors meant even those dangerous islets were plundered, albeit not on the organised industrial scale of Funk Island. When the colony seemed ...

Saharawis abandoned warfare and eschewed terrorism, placing their trust in international law and the United Nations. Now look how they've been rewarded. Kamal Fadel feels betrayed. | July 2006 | New Internationalist
Peace Plan. The UN cannot wash its hands of the Western Sahara conflict and abandon its responsibility -- if it does, the UN's credibility will suffer and its integrity will be buried in the ...

The Butterfly Big Year | Orion magazine
Hairstreaks, with their specific botanical needs and moist-spring ways, may be some of the first butterflies to feel the warming and drying, and to abandon ... 's card] in the Tijuana River Estuary! (Where I became very well acquainted with the Border Patrol) Then [monarch photo] down-coast to th best of the monarch colony this poor winter, ...

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